
HITS JIP Events take place every 6 months as part of the FPSO Research Forum.

The minutes of the HITS JIP meetings are sent to Participants.

Please see the Events Calendar drop down menu for the next HITS JIP meeting.

Upcoming meetings

HITS 10 meeting will take place in Trondheim on 4 June 2024. This international initiative is dedicated to enhancing the integrity management of marine structures, including FPSOs, drillships, FSRUs, FLNGs, accommodation barges, and other floating offshore assets.

This year’s first event will feature key updates from EM&I, including a proposal for bottom plating inspection and insights from their bottom plate test facility, as well as recent findings from their tank deflection studies. The event will showcase the latest industry innovations and guidance aimed at improving hull inspection practices.

4th FER JIP week: 18-22 November 2024

Innovative Floating energy systems – drive towards industrialization 

Floating Energy Research Forum

Attendees at the HITS Meeting in Houston October 2019

Attendees at the HITS Meeting in Singapore April 2019

Attendees at the HITS Meeting in Papendrecht, Holland October 2018

Attendees at the HITS Meeting in Cumbria, UK, April 2018

Attendees at the HITS Meeting in Galveston, USA, October 2017

Attendees at the FPSO Research Forum in Oslo, April 2016.

Attendees at the HITS JIP meeting in Houston, October 2015.

Attendees at the HITS Demonstration in Cumbria, October 2014.

Attendees at the FPSO Forum Monaco, March 2014.


Attendees at the FPSO Forum Paris, April 2013


Attendees at FPSO Forum Buzios, October 2012

Attendees at the FPSO Forum Wageningen, May 2012